Browse Items (150 total)

Valuation of Thorns and Keld 1856.pdf
Details of all land owned.
Please download or select the full screen option to view the document in full

Doreen article.pdf
An article on Ernest and Doreen Whitehead featured in the Yorkshire Post in September 2016

Sports prog 1-merged.pdf

Muker Public Hall letter.jpg
Click on image to view in full

Muker Meth chapel proposal.pdf
1933 Proposal Letter and Opening & Dedication Order of Service 24th October 1934

Gunnerside Song.jpg


1930 diary.pdf
Bobby Hutchinson provided a taxi service for Keld and the surrounding area. This is his 1930 diary showing all bookings

New Methodist Church Muker. List of Subscriptions.pdf

Norman Guy sharing his memories of growing up in Muker

1924 Farm Auctions.pdf

A collection of photographs of Keld and the surrounding area.
Please click on each image to view in full


bible 1.pdf
Bible presented to Mr & Mrs George Clarkson for being the first couple to marry in the Methodist Chapel in December 1936. The chapel was originally built in 1841 but was not registered for marriages until nearly one hundred years later

Ucal medical guide 1926 edited.pdf
Contains medical guide, household cleaning tips and a ladies guide to looking her best!
Please select full screen option or download to view in full

farm and home.pdf
Selection of pages showing advertisements from the 1920's.

Keld Congregational Church Minutes 1957-1983-pages-deleted.pdf
Minutes for Keld Church meetings, followed by typed minutes of meetings with Low Row church.

Keld Church Misc financial statements 1937-73 incomplete-pages-deleted.pdf
Miscellaneous collection of reports dating from 1937 - 1973

Keld Church Misc. draft reports 1898-99-pages-deleted.pdf

Keld Church Engagements Book1946-47-pages-deleted.pdf
Weekly diary detailing all chapel activities - completion is inconsistent
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